Amy's Blueberry Bliss
Facial Mask is loaded with powerful antioxidants that help to heal, repair, and
protect the skin.
also loves the way that this blueberry mask treatment provides a
"blissfully" smooth and wonderfully pampering treat that leaves the
skin buttery soft and supple.
Amy says that this incredible little fruit is one of those powerhouses in natural skin care that just keeps on giving.
As a lifelong native of Maine where blueberries
grown abundantly,
Amy knows that she has picked more than her fair share of blueberries
over the years.
But if the truth be know, she loves blueberries and can't wait for the
picking season to start.
After learning that the USDA identified
blueberries as containing very high amounts of antioxidants, she
decided to put their anti-aging properties to work externally as well
as internally. Her long-term strategy is taking care of her skin health from both inside and out.
Her blueberry skin care face mask recipe has now become a favorite
spa night treat among family and friends
alike. Amy reports that it has done wonders for her skin and highly
recommends it to everyone.
Blueberry Bliss Facial Mask
Apply to facial skin for up to 20 minutes; rinse off with warm water. Keep unused portion in refrigerator for several days.
Although Amy feels that fresh blueberries are best for this recipe, she says that frozen blueberries can be substituted so no one will miss out on this delightful recipe.
Simply Blissful!
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