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[Skinsational News] Romancing Your Skin
February 04, 2009

It's your Skinsational News!

Welcome to your February edition of Skinsational topics that will keep your skin looking younger, healthier, and absolutely gorgeous!

Be sure to bookmark the Skin Care Resource Center's Anti-Aging Skin Care Blog and visit us frequently. You don't want to miss out on valuable skin care news or the hints and tips that are published every day!

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In this issue:

  • Featured Article ~ Romancing Your Skin
  • Valentine's Day Skin Care Special
  • Facial Rejuvenation Product Review
  • The Beauty Budget Corner
  • Your Natural Skin Care Routine
  • Your Special "Top Secret" Facial Treat
  • DIY Spa Facial Trends

~ Romancing Your Skin ~

Be thoughtful, be kind, and be generous with your time,
Romance your skin,
It's Valentines!

Just a little pampering for your skin will go a long way in creating a healthy youthful glow in the years to come.

Give your skin a gift of love with a facial rejuvenation regimen to promote your skin's natural vibrancy.

It is the month of love after all. Show your skin some of that lov'in!

Set aside a half hour or so and give your skin a lovely spa treatment. Start with a facial steam to deeply hydrate your skin and open the pores. Then give your skin an invigorating home microdermabrasion treatment followed by a warm and decadently rich moisturizing facial mask. Finish with a rich vitamin packed anti-aging skin care treatment.

You just won't believe how great your skin will look!

A little love does go a long ways.

That's right. . . revitalizing your skin with an anti-aging skin care routine will get rid of the old, aging skin cells and promote the repair of skin damage.

Aging skin damage reveals itself in the form of wrinkles, age spots, mottled skin tone and loss of skin elasticity. With effective rejuvenation products your skin will gradually show improvement.

Simply select products with clinically proven active anti-aging ingredients, dedicate a few minutes every morning and every evening to your skin care routine; add in a weekly home facial treatment and viola! You will have stripped out the old cells and stimulated new skin cell growth.

~ Valentines Day Skin Care Special ~

Are you thinking ahead to what you would like to give (or get from) the love you your life for Valentine's Day? How about a pampering, luxurious and decadent Gift of Spa? It is a wonderfully unique and romantic gift!

Tip: Keep an eye on our review page for SpaFinder. They periodically offer an additional gift certificate or a nice discount off the purchase of $100 or more. The savings will give you more spa for your money.

In today's economy you might as well stretch your dollars as far as they will go! (And take a minute to feast your eyes on any one of their amazing special Valentines Day Spa getaways. Now that's a romantic dream come true!)

There is nothing better than giving (or getting) the gift of spa.

Wishing you a pampered filled Valentines Day!

The Beauty Budget Corner:
Do you get those dry, scaly spots on your chin and cheeks during the winter months when the temperatures fluctuate? For many they are the first indication that a spot of eczema might be starting to develop.

Get out the Vaseline and your Chap Stick then put Y.A.'s advice to work on those dry spots to eliminate them in just a matter of a few days! It's one of those quick and simple home remedies that works great! Read more here: Beauty Tip

Facial Rejuvenation Product Review:
Active anti-aging ingredient Spotlight ~ Hyaluronic Acid, (HA).

Hyaluronic acid is naturally produced by the body and helps to give skin its volume and fullness. During the aging process the level of HA diminishes leading to fine lines, wrinkles, loss of skin tone and elasticity. Hyaluronic acid also acts to attract and bind water which helps maintain a firmer, fuller skin tone.

~ Spa Spotlight: DIY Home Spa Trends ~

As promised last month, we researched the new innovation for the home spa treatment devise, laser hair removal. This new technology for home laser hair removal has just recently been approved by the FDA.

When all is said and done, the research reveals that several treatments are necessary to produce results and they need to be repeated periodically in order to ensure that hair growth doesn't start again.

* Report findings also indicate that the hair removal lasers are most effective for those with a light skin tone and dark hair.

Unfortunately, these home lasers are NOT approved or recommended for facial hair removal at this time. Although I would expect that with the rapid advances in technology we will very soon have the option of an effective home laser devise that will remove unwanted facial hair.

For those interested, we put together a new Amazon store so you could take a look at the hair removal laser. (If you scroll to the right we also included a category for all facial hair removal options.)

~ Your Natural Skin Care Routine ~

New! Try out our new mini e-course to learn how to begin your own natural skin care routine. To give it a try sign-up here: Natural Skin Care Routine

~ Your "Top Secret" Special Skin Care Facial Treat ~

Ahhh. . . the month of love! Your skin will look forward to this decadently rich, moisturizing natural skin care recipe made with ingredients full of anti-aging properties.

Make your Lov'in Butter ahead of time, store it in the refrigerator with a bottle of your favorite bubbly and treat your love to a romantic evening in front of the fireplace; complete with a facial and body massage.

~ Lov'in Butter ~

    1/2 cup cocoa butter
    2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh mint leaves
    1/8 cup mashed passion fruit (or oatmeal, finely ground)
    1 tablespoon almond or coconut oil

Mix all ingredients together well. Gently massage into the skin. Store unused portion in the refrigerator.

Lov'in butter is rich in antioxidants and emollients along with having a wide range of anti-aging attributes. It is a recipe that is as deeply moisturizing as it is effective in treating an array of aging skin concerns.

~ Happy Valentines Day! ~

Next month will be March Skin Care Madness!
Wishing you a romantic and pampering Valentine's Day. Until next month. . .

Have a Skinsational Day,


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